this article is really realted with my self which is i’m an introvert that really likes to do any research that makes my curiosity fells good, since i start to know about more things, i can spending all time just for doing research, because i’m really like it, but yes of course i cannot speak or hearing when my friends are giving or talking any gossip, i’m really not interested in it, some how i didn’t understand when they are talking about that.
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this article is really realted with my self which is i’m an introvert that really likes to do any research that makes my curiosity fells good, since i start to know about more things, i can spending all time just for doing research, because i’m really like it, but yes of course i cannot speak or hearing when my friends are giving or talking any gossip, i’m really not interested in it, some how i didn’t understand when they are talking about that.