Film: Finding Nemo

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Average Review Score:
🐠🐟🌊🦈🐳🎣 one of the best movie

It is finding Nemo come man the goat.

Film “Finding Nemo”

“Finding Nemo” is an animated adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The film tells the story of a clownfish named Marlin who embarks on a journey across the ocean to find his son, Nemo, who has been captured by a diver and placed in a fish tank. This journey was fraught with dangers and challenges. Marlin met a new friend, Dory. He learned to trust his son and let him some freedom to explore the world.

Very good

I love the film.It was awesome.The questions were hard ofc🤠

Very good.

I love the film. It was awesome. The questions were hard ofc :).

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