Article: Future Technology: 22 Ideas About To Change Our World

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Age Group(s): Owlins (9-11)

Hello, Teachers!

1. Look at the title “Future Technology: 22 Ideas About to Change Our World.” What kinds of technologies do you think might change our world in the future?
2. If you could invent any technology to solve a problem in the world, what would it be and why?


1. Identify and describe several emerging technologies
2. Explain how these technologies might impact future society
3. Apply analytical thinking to evaluate the potential benefits and challenges of new technologies
4. Discuss the ethical implications of certain technological advancements
4. Relate technological innovations to their own lives and experiences


Future technology, artificial intelligence, robotics, 3D printing, virtual reality, sustainability, innovation,
brain-computer interface, energy storage, internet accessibility, electric vehicles, neural networks,
analytical thinking, problem-solving, creativity


The original text introduces 22 emerging technologies that have the potential to significantly impact our future. These innovations span various fields, including healthcare, environmental science, computing, and transportation. The technologies discussed range from practical applications like fast- charging car batteries to more speculative ideas like necrobotics. The text emphasizes how these advancements could solve current problems and create new possibilities, while also touching on potential ethical and societal implications.

The content has been tailored to align with the Owlypia mission and to enhance the learning experience for the targeted age group.

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