Video: This Tool Will Help Improve Your Critical Thinking

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Age Group(s): Owlys (15-18)

Hello, Teachers!

1. What do you think of when you hear the word “philosophy”? How might philosophy be useful in everyday life?
2. How do you typically approach complex problems or difficult questions? What strategies do you use?


1. Understand the concept of the Socratic Method and its origins
2. Recognize the importance of questioning in critical thinking
3. Identify the key characteristics of Socratic dialogue
4. Explore the applications of the Socratic Method in various fields
5. Analyze the benefits and potential challenges of using the Socratic Method
6. Develop skills in formulating probing questions and examining assumptions


Socrates, Western philosophy, critical thinking, questioning, Socratic Method, logic, assumptions,
dialogue, justice, midwife, Renaissance, education, law, democracy, adaptability


The transcript introduces the Socratic Method, a powerful tool for critical thinking and inquiry developed by the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates. It explains how Socrates engaged in conversations by asking probing questions rather than giving direct answers, helping his interlocutors examine their own beliefs and assumptions. The text outlines an example of Socratic dialogue, discussing the concept of justice with a young man named Euthydemus. It then explores how the Socratic Method has been adapted and applied in various fields throughout history, including medicine, science, law, and education. The transcript concludes by discussing the characteristics of effective Socratic teaching and touching on the controversial nature of Socrates’ own teachings, which ultimately led to his trial and execution.

As we introduce this year’s theme of “Analytical Thinking: Navigating Complexity”, through this video, it’s important for your students to engage with both the transcript and the visuals. The transcript provides key information, while the visuals enhance understanding and provide more information by illustrating concepts and adding context!

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